At Brauchles wedding

Us roadies: Cornelius and Margitha

Hi, welcome to our website! We are happy that you are taking some time to get to know us and to follow us on our overland journey from Europe to South Africa.

Who we are? Two former office die hards from The Netherlands and Germany working for a large european energy company in our respective home countries, who decided to take a year off to drive, explore and to discover. Different nationalities, but both travel addicts looking for a special experience. Cornelius got his taste for traveling when, from the age of 7, he accompanied his father on sales trips through Germany, Switzerland and The Netherlands during school holidays. One of his first experiences was thus visiting the former DDR two weeks after the fall of the Berlin wall. Seeing the country, tasting the atmosphere and getting to know the people made an impression. The feeling of the DDR being so close and at the same time so new, somehow those two countries being one, made him curious for the rest of the world.
Githa's passion for traveling started when her parents took her on a long trip through Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand at the age of 13. They traveled really basic, allowing her to get close to local people and to see her own live in a different perspective. An addicting experience!

Both of us have traveled through many different countries in Europe, Asia, the Americas and Australia, so now it is time for a whole different experience: discovering Eastern and Southern Africa by car. We are very much looking forward to getting to know these parts of the continent, meeting the people, tasting the food and solving problems in typical african ways.

We are very excited to have the opportunity to go on this journey and do something totally different from our daily routine. Something that we expect to challenge us in a way that we've experienced never before. Something that needs persistence, believing in yourself, relying completely on each other. Even though most people tried to talk us out of it. Something that would be off the beaten track, a 'strange' choice compared to usual career paths. An experience that would learn us more about ourselves and about each other, triggering skills that come in handy in the office as well. It was clear: we decided to go on this one year overland journey.

We are delighted to share our stories with you over the next 12 months!